Template Comparators

The following values are acceptable for “comparator” field in rules in the Retraced rules engine:

Comparator Desscription
eq Matches when the value is equal to the event object data at path. This compares values only and doesn’t compare types.
is The same as eq but it also compares types of objects.
neq Matches when the value is not equal to the event object data at path. This compares values only and doesn’t compare types. This is the inverse of eq.
not The same as neq but it also compares types of objects. This is the inverse of is.
lt Matches when the value is less than the event object data at path.
lte Matches when the value is less than or equal to the event object data at path.
gt Matches when the value is greater than the event object data at path.
gte Matches when the value is greater than or equal to the event object data at path.
exists Matches when the value key exists and is not null on the event object data.
nexists Matches when the value key does not exists or is null on the event object data.
contains Matches when the event object data at path contains value.
ncontains Matches when the event object data at path does not contain value.
matches This rule is a raw regex rule. When the value is interpreted as a regular expression and applied to the event object data at path, returns the regex match value.