The First Audit Event

Getting started with Retraced is easy. The best way to start is to pick a single event to start sending to confirm that everything is set up right. If your site has a login event, it’s a perfect first event because it covers most of the scenarios that can be tricky when starting to audit log. Login events can have both a successful and failed response, it can be anonymous or authenticated and it may or may not belong to a group.

Remembering the basics of how to audit log, you should find a place in your code that is guaranteed to be executed after a login event.

Publishing Guide

Getting a Token

First step is to get a token for the publisher api from the Retraced admin site.

Sending Events

Next, in your Login API handler, you’ll want to add a call to the Publisher API’s after each login attempt. The Create Event call can be made using one of the Retraced SDKs, or by making a request to POST /publisher/v1/project/{projectId}/event as described in the Publisher API Documentation and the Publisher Swagger Specification.

Verifying Event Hashes

The response from the Publisher API will include a hash of the received event computed according to the Retraced event hashing formula. You can choose to verify this hash to ensure the event your api sent is identical to the one received by Retraced. If you are using one of the Retraced SDKs, you can take advantage of built-in functionality for verifying event hashes.